Policies and Procedures
Please see below our Policies and Procedures which are also available at our clubs. Please contact the Junior Adventures Group Head Office via hello@junioradventuresgroup.co.uk if you have any enquiries. Please note that all policies are reviewed annually, and the policies below were reviewed by our Chief Child Experience Officer, Craig Jones.
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JAG believes that children and parents are entitled to expect a high quality service which is what JAG also expects. If however JAG does not meet these expectations we value the opportunity to review and amend our practices, addressing any concerns aiming to bring these to a satisfactory conclusion for all parties.
The purpose of this procedure is to outline the preferred routes any complainant should take to have their concerns dealt with promptly and appropriately. All complaints will be triaged and dealt with by an appointed suitable JAG leader.
Complaints can be raised initially with the most senior JAG leader in the club at the time or by emailing hello@junioradventuresgroup.co.uk
On receipt of any complaint JAG uses a RAG rating system to categorise based on the severity and complaint context.
G – Green – low level complaint (operational club level)
A – Amber – a medium level of complaint (accidents, operational concerns)
R – Red – high level of complaint (safeguarding, compliance, risk, major accident
All complaints will be acknowledged on receipt within 24 working hours, this will then be sent to the JAG leader appointed to manage the case. JAG aims to initially address all complaints within 72 working hours of receipt.
Red rated complaints will be immediately escalated to a Regional Director or JAG lead DSL as an internal investigation may be required. In this instance the investigation will be conducted with the aim to resolve with an agreeable outcome within 14 working days.
JAG has a three stage complaints schedule, JAG envisages that all complaints will be resolved informally at stage one. All complaints are logged and records kept for three years.
Stage 1 – Club Manager or General Manager to be involved
Complaint about the setting:
The Club Manager will discuss the matter informally with the parents/guardians concerned and aim to reach a satisfactory resolution.
If parents/guardians make the complaint regarding the Club Manager this will be passed to the General Manager to investigate and to respond
Complaints about an individual JAG employee:
If appropriate, the parent/guardian will be encouraged to discuss the matter with the employee concerned
If the parent/guardian feels that this is not appropriate the matter will be discussed with the Club Manager who will then discuss the complaint with the employee and try to reach a satisfactory resolution.
Stage 2 – General Manager and Head of Education and Wellbeing & HR to be involved
If it is impossible to reach a satisfactory resolution to the complaint through informal discussion, the parent/guardian should put their complaint in writing to the Support Office. Support Office will:
Acknowledge receipt of the communication within 24 working hours
Contact the complainant within 5 working days
Resolve the complaint within 14 working days
Where applicable JAG UK will send a full response in writing to all relevant parties including the outcome and the changes made in response to the complaint
It may be suitable to meet relevant parties to discuss JAG UK response to the complaint either together or on an individual basis
Stage 3 – Head of Education and Wellbeing and Safeguarding Team to be involved
If the parent/guardian is not happy with the resolution then at stage 3 the complaint is to be referred to the HEW to evaluate the action taken and determine if the complaint has been handled satisfactorily. This re-evaluation of the complaint is aimed to be resolved within 14 days from referral.
Child Protection
1. If child protection issues are raised, the JAG lead DSL’s will seek advice from the Local Authority’s Safeguarding Partnership team and follow the procedures of the Safeguarding & Children’s Welfare.
2. If a criminal act may have been committed, JAG lead DSL’s will contact the Police.
Making a complaint to Ofsted
Any parent/guardian can submit a complaint to Ofsted about JAG at any time. Ofsted will consider and investigate all complaints.
Ofsted’s address is: Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester M1 2WD
Telephone: 0300 123 1231 (general enquiries) 0300 123 4666 (complaints)
On receipt of a complaint Ofsted will investigate accordingly, either through a telephone conference with the named persons or in the event of receipt of a major complaint they could carry out an unannounced inspection to the club.
All complaints are logged and discussed with Ofsted at the next inspection.
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